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Free Webinar

Know your value, market your impact

Organizations increase donations when they skillfully market their impact. GivingFuel is proud to partner with Social Impact Solutions, experts in social impact reporting & marketing.

Register for the November 16th webinar!

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Accelerate your fundraising with impact marketing

The demand to report impact is increasing. Many organizations miss out on funding opportunities because they aren't reporting their impact to donors and grantors in compelling ways. Our friends at Social Impact Solutions aim to ease your fears of impact reporting and help grow your donor base. Check out the upcoming webinar to learn more.

Increase donations

Communicating your value provides the layer of trust your donors desire.

Serve your audience better

Knowing your impact brings clarity to how you can best meet constituent needs.

Grow your organization

Highlight your value and market your impact to increase funding and expand programs.

Impact data provides insights that lead to meaningful action

With Social Impact Solutions, you will know your true value so you can start marketing your impact.
Impact data is more than numbers and statistics. It shows your organization areas that need improvement, help create team alignment, allow for data-driven decisions to be made, and much more.

Social Impact Solutions can help you turn your data into meaningful action in the form of impact reports, stakeholder presentations, donor scripts, and email nurture campaigns.
Register today